
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Excellent weekend

... but very very busy

laundry, doctor's visit, helped a friend move the largest of his furniture to a new home, he buys us all lunch. More moving, the back home in time to get doll-ed up for a photo-shoot!

Here's a preview picture, the rest will be in MAKE magazine!

Water to Wine will be described in full detail, with a breakdown on how to make it :D I can attest to the goodness of wine out an easy dispenser with a fun twist for your expectations!

Then we all celebrated the occasion with sushi! The next day I joined in wedding planning for Jacinda and Andrew's wedding, as I'm one of the bridesmaids. Then off to Baby Castello's baby shower, MOAR sushi, and now home to rest and recuperate from the full weekend.

My fave pic from yesterday's shoot?

Let's just say it was quite delicious...

I also noticed I haven't posted much from December, and there was a fair amount of fun and antics to share. Thus the lack of posting.

I made a chair more awesome
chair + speakers + new upholstery + fuzzy fun fur = pimp

I was worried it would be too... absurd, but it turned out quite nicely and met my expectations leading into the project, and Gina didn't leave the chair for the rest of the night, so I'm pretty sure she liked it :-)

light reading for work

more silliness with wine!
- wait, you say, wasn't this January? YES, yes it is. it's just too good not to share!

last weekend's random night at our house; BOARD GAMES

New Years at Ben and Jean's, with Pierre maintaining the delicious drink-delivering Party Robotics device

Wine tasting with Aaron's family

Christmas gifts from Gina! amazing coats! so fuzzy! so ridiculous!

Some of my family having a good laugh down in San Diego. We were celebrating donating to a major charity to bring affordable farm animals to developing nations.
This is how my Great-Grandma rolls.

ummm... WHAT!?!?!?